New find screen is very similar to the old find screen and performs the same function with a few added benefits.


Graphical user interface, table

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Opt In / Out 

To Opt In / Out of the new find screen select the button in the bottom right of the search window. 

"Old Find" / "New Find" 

Before reverting back to the old find please give us some feedback on why you wish to do so.



Key New features


Won’t lock your Filemaker
The old find screen would lock your Filemaker, preventing you form using Run Manager or other programs while it was open. This new find screen will not have this problem.

Multiple Entry Search

By clicking on the plus icon you can enter multiple names, contract numbers etc to search for separated by a line break, as show below.
A picture containing text

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The same for selectable fields like branch (here we have selected SB and NB)


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The above search will find Metricon OR Henley, at either SB OR NB branches.


Constrain Existing Found Set

You can then constrain the results by then selecting the relevant fields (for our example we will select status to Firm Booking) and then selecting the Constrain button highlighted below.


This will constrain our previous search to show now only find Metricon OR Henley, at either SB OR NB branches where the status is Firm Booking.