The Contractor Portal contains all the information that will drive the RCTI and is available for you to review at any time.
(NB: Next Day Jobs become available at 1pm each day)
 The Contractor Portal will be your “One-Stop Shop” for all your information.

The Contractor Portal contains three main pages.

  • Jobs
  • RCTI’s
  • EUI’s (Employee Use Invoices – More on this below)


Page 1 – Jobs
 The Jobs page is where you will land when log in

On the left is a list of days with the jobs for each day underneath showing basic information for that job.
 The Portal will display 6 weeks’ worth of data

On the right is the individual job panel.
 Clicking a Job from the Daily list, it will display job specific information.

  • Job Details
    1. Job Status
    2. Job Type
    3. Frame Type
    4. Roof Type
    5. Measure Quantity
    6. Actual Quantity
    7. Job Instructions 
  • Invoice Items
    1. Pricing Rule Applied
    2. Specific Pricing Information
      • Pricing Type
      • Quantity
      • Rate
      • Subtotal
    3. Total


It is important to note that in line with the compliance requirements of your subcontractor agreement, where Required Reports are missing – the calculated total will be set to $0 until the reports are received.


Installs, Variations, Rectifications and Partial Pickups.

                 Handover / Unable / Incomplete



To help ease into this, we will continue to pay where reports are until 1st Feb 2023.
 After this date, you will need to complete the reports or submit a New Variation Request (below) to be paid for that job.

  • Invoice Buttons
    1. Confirm – This is for you, a way for you to know that you have reviewed this job
    2. New Variation Request 
      • The NVR button allows you to submit a request for review to your Branch Manager where you disagree with the calculated amount or have agreed on a variation to the job. 
      • NVRs are a top up to the existing calculation. 
      • An NVR can be submitted at any time for review. 
      • If approved, the NVR will add an invoice item to the current RCTI week. This means that your main invoice will not be delayed while this is under review
        • If your RCTI is calculated at $5000 and you believe it should be $5100, you can submit a review for the $100 difference and the RCTI for $5000 will be paid and the $100 will be added to the next week (or week in which it is approved)
  • Variation Request
    1. Any Variation Request submitted will display here to allow you to track it progress and see its status. 
  • Report Links
    1. JSA
    2. Primary – Handover/Unable/Incomplete
  • Audit Scores
    1. Pass/Fail
    2. Score

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Page 2 – RCTI’s

Simply, this page is a list of previous RCTI’s

You can download the RCTI’s to add your accounting software (and keep the accountant happy!)

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Page 3 – EUI’s

A new introduction to track where Buildsafe employees are borrowed by a Contractor to calculate the cost of the employee for the day and generate an invoice.

Graphical user interface, text, application

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