
FileScript NameDetails


Used to log in to the portal - validates username and password entered and passes back an access key - used for retrieving data (S: WebUIData)
ProductsWebUIDataUses the previously given Access Key collects and returns data to portal for display
ProductsWebUIJobUpdateRetrieves a single job's worth of data to update in the portal
ProductsResetPasswordReset the user password from the portal
ProductsSubcontractor Portal Logcreates a log for events in the portal - login, data retrieval etc
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityCreate Subcontractor InvoicesGenerates RCTI's for a specific time period - button on the RCTI Interface
Vehicle Run ProfitabilitySubcontractor Employee Use InvoiceGenerates EUIs for a specified time period - button on the EUI interface
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityPrint PDFCalled during the create invoice script - converts the RCTI into a PDF and stores in $FMInvoiceCache
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityGo To Related Contractor Week InvoiceOpen a specified RCTI from the RCTI interface
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityGo To Related Contractor Employee Use Week InvoiceOpen a specified EUI from the EUI interface
Vehicle Run ProfitabilitySubcontractorWeekJSONDataCalled through WebUIData to grab the RCTI information for the portal
Vehicle Run ProfitabilitySubcontractorEmpUseWeekJSONDataCalled through WebUIData to grab the EUI information for the portal
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityRCTI csv ExportNetsuite csv Export of the RCTI's for the week - button on the RCTI Interface
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityEUI csv ExportNetsuite csv Export of the Employee Use invoices for the week - button on the EUI Interface
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityContractor MenuOpens the Contractor Menu
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityRCTI InterfaceOpens the RCTI Interface
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityEmployee Use Invoice InterfaceOpens the EUI Interface
ContractsNew Contractor Invoice (JSON)Accepts JSON input to create a new invoice line (Flags the invoice as manual)
ContractsClean Up Contractor InvoiceNightly scheduled script to remove "invoice" lines created for a job that was removed from a contractor. now on emp truck
ContractsSubcontractorConfirmInvoiceCalled from the portal - marks the "Subcontractor Confirmed" Field.
ActionsNewSubcontractorQueryActionCalled from the Portal to create a new Query action, calls SQ_Update to provide up to date information back to the portal
ActionsCancelSubcontractorQueryActionCalled from the portal - cancels the query action.
ActionsCompleteSubcontractorQueryActionCalled from "Assign based on Level" if the action is complete, then it will call Contracts-New Contractor Invoice (JSON) to create a new invoice line. 
ActionsSQ_UpdateJobCalled from NewSubcontractorQueryAction, this script calls Products-WebUIJobUDate to provide up to date job info


ProductsSubcontractorDefault Subcontractor (ID: 0) - This is the pricing management screen, each record is stored in a record of the Subcontractor_Pricing table and accessed through the portal
ProductsSubcontractorActual Subcontractors (ID ≠ 0) - Individual Contractor Management
ProductsInvoice ReviewCurrent Screen built for testing and verifying subcontractor invoices. (Will be obsolete when RCTI implementation.
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityContractor MenuPrimary Access screen, Links to all other UI Screens
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityRCTI InterfaceWeekly filter and view of the RCTI's, allowing the ability to exclude an invoice from the export
Vehicle Run ProfitabilityEmployee Invoice InterfaceWeekly filter and view of the EUI's, allowing the ability to exclude an invoice from the export


HTML web page stored in \\bsserver\scheduler_wwwroot\Reports\Contractor

web side link: 

The Portal Consists of 4 pages; 

  • Login
  • Index
  • RCTI
  • EUI


Page used to verify username and password of the contractor and choose the correct server for data retrieval. 

Uses FM Php to access, [Products] WebUILogin script. 

The FM Script will pass back a result, either valid, with an access key or invalid with an error. 


Page used as the main interface of the contractor portal. 

Displays job / day data of the contractor, retrieved VIA the WEBUIData script. 

Access Key is passed by PHP to the WEBUIData script, if the access key is valid, then the script will pass back a JSON array of data. 

Data is then rendered onto the page using Javascript.


Page is used to view the RCTI's generated via FM and the PDF stored in \\Bsserver\FMInvoiceCache$\Contractor


Page is used to view the EUI's generated via FM and the PDF stored in \\Bsserver\FMInvoiceCache$\Contractor
