Profit Share

This document is for the Profit Share element of filemaker

Accessed Via the Menu (This menu button is permission based)

When opening the File, you will be taken to the Most Recent Pay Week End Date

Available Filters;

  • PS Day / PS Week
  • Run Position / Week Category
  • Vehicle Type / Week most common Vehicle Type
  • Area
  • Branch


Most heading are sortable

Accessing Profit Share Summary (Web Browser)

When on the Week View, click on any of the below 3 fields to bring up the Employee Week

From Day View, clock on the Profit Share column to access their day summary

Reviewing Week

when reviewing the week in preparation for payroll, the branch manager will be able to "Approve" or "Decline" profit Share being paid.

By Default - If the employee has worked a full week (Wed, Thu, Fri, Mon & Tue) they will be set to approved. Otherwise they will be set to declined.

Amounts that would have been paid if not declined are available by hovering over the field

The Branch Manager can exercise their discretion to override this.
In the event that Branch Manager decides to override this, they will be required to enter the reason for the override.
This will be added to the log for that employee. The log will show when hovering over the Approved/Declined button.

Profit Share Locked

An employees Profit Share being locked will be indicated by the padlock icon on that row - This is applicable for both Day and Week Views

Profit Share Import

Profit Share can be imported by using the "Import" button on the day view.

Refresh and Recalculate

Each day & week can be refreshed, without the need to re-import. 

An Individual Run / Week can be refreshed using the refresh button on the row.

You can also complete a Bulk Refresh / Re-Calculation for all runs based on your current filters using the "Refresh" or "Recalculate" buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Manual Adjustments

Unlike the previous "KPI" systems, there is no option to manually adjust an employees profit share with the day or week views. The Only option within the Profit Share to adjust is the ability to approve / declide a week (see 'Reviewing a Week' above)

There are certain overrides that can be made on Daily Level through the run Profitability Screen (Contruction Managers have permission to make these adjustments)

Located in the (i) on the Vehicle Run Profitability

The below overrides are available. 


Minimum Hours, sets the Minimum hours for the day to 0, allowing an installer to recieve profit share when their hours are below the mimimum (7.6 hours @ this time of writing this)

Vehicle Cost, sets the cost of a 14T truck to that of a 2 man truck. This button is only available on 14T trucks where they are Not running as their set truck type (IE, Hang on Truck running as Void & Rail due to availablility of work

Safety Gate, this allows the safety gate to be opened if a crew is shut out. (At the time of writing this, we have no included safety scores in the Profit Share, but have allowed for it in the future)

Treat as Weeked, this setting overrides the vehicle cost and sets to $0 for the day. this setting is restricted to the Cheif Commercial Officer and Directors.


Run & Week Notes have been included to help determine why a run has not achieved profit share. (These will be reviewed and added as needed) These are stored on the day, and viewable on both day and week.

Understanding the Daily Calculations

When hovering over the Table headers, a description of the calculations will display. 

When accessing the run VIA the Vehicle Run Profitability, it will open both the EmployeeRun page and DaySummaryBM page.

Using the DaySummaryBM Page, you can view the run calculations and determine at what point the run is not making profit and why. 

The Notes section of the BM screen will often suggest "why" the run is not making profit share 

You can also hover over the Vehicle and Installer name - to see suggestions of how to improve the profitability of the run