Run Manager 03/08/2022

Hire Item Units Column

Units column is now available and can be added to your column setup.

Run Manager 22/07/2022

Shortcut for Adding Multi-Site Tariff

Select the jobs to apply the multi-site Tariff.


As per below example.

There are 3 jobs at this site, but I have intentionally EXCLUDED the first job.

This tariff should only be applied to ADDITIONAL jobs at the same site. (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc jobs)


Right Click “Apply Multi-Site Tariff”


This will add the “Multi-Product Job Site” tariff, as you can see in below screenshot of the tariffs for this job.


Also notice the grey/italic font for the 2nd/3rd job. Visually indicating these jobs have this multi-site tariff applied.








Right Clicking a job which ALREADY has this tariff. Will provide the shortcut to remove it, if needed.


Run Manager 18/07/2022

Visual Improvements

-Updated a few icons

-Rounded some buttons

-Gave the screen a lighter colour

-Hovering over buttons will now ‘light up’

-Clicking the date field will now pop-up the calendar selection without pressing the icon.



Before :



After :




Added the ‘Tomorrow Pending’ Section



Filter Improvements

-Column header will now show blue if the column has a filter applied.


-Clicking in this ‘filter area’ of the column will now :

-Left Click : open the pop-up filter options. (no longer requiring you to hit the little icon)

-Right Click : will CLEAR the filter for that Colum.


Note. Advanced filter box is still accessible if needed by clicking in the white space here.



-Can search for multiple options using the “|” key (above enter + shift)
e.g. below will include any row which contains 'hamilton' OR 'smith' OR 'blue'



Note. On  hopefully rare occasion, you may notice clicking a filter will open the filter-menu for the wrong column.

If this happens, simply reload tab to fix


Run Manager 10/06/2022

Reason Required for Job Push
When changing a job date advised you will be prompted to select a reason on save.

Cameras in RM

If the site has a camera installed there will be a little camera icon next to the address. Hovering it will show the preview image from the last "event" captured. Clicking on it will bring up the live view in web browser.

Note: Does not work in Run Manager (OLD)

Run Package + CAD (QUICK, BFSS, STEEL Installs, V. R)

Now includes 3 copies of the CAD.

Job Edit and Multi Job Edit Confirm Close Dialog

When opening a new Job Edit window it will no longer ask you to confirm close if you havn't made any changes since opening.

Run Manager 24/5/22 – v37

Merged Todolist

The Todolist jobs section can now be merged into a single list, showing Installs and pickups together. 

This can easily be switched between merged/split lists in both the ‘Runs’ and ‘Jobs’ Views, using this icon. 


The shortcut to merge/split lists is the ` key.



Integrated Capacity Graphs


Numbers displayed have not been configured / confirmed for BSQ/SYD at this stage. 

Use this button to hide/show the capacity graphs.

Note – there is a setting to show this by default, currently showing by default for BSA ops team. 


Prevention of removing jobs from runs in progress

The system will now restrict removing jobs from a run dated today or prior. 

(including changing dates, putting on hold, canceling.) 

Reason being, a job which is on a run for today should carried-over, never simply removed. 


Quick Filters

Introducing an alternate / faster way to filter common constraints. 

Hopefully this list will grow over time. If there’s a common filter you think we should add, speak to your team leader.


Note the “Possibly Ready Now” filter has been readded from Old Run manager. 

Will filter : Date required = Yesterday or prior, Date advised = +2days or greater. 




Minor Fixes

- Filtering ‘Not Contains’ has been fixed.

- CTR+F shortcut to search has been fixed. 

- Efficiency % next to employee names has been removed due to inaccuracy. 




Run Manager 18/5/22 – v37


Search Feature 


Using the Quick Search Box will cycle between matching jobs in your current view. 

While the base concept here is much the same there are a few improvements : 


-Use Up/Down arrows on the keyboard to cycle between matching jobs.
 Pressing Enter will open the current job in job-edit. 


-Smarter Search

Will match each word separately. 

e.g. "7 HONEY MYRTLE ROAD"  previously would match for "7 honey" but not "7 myrtle"

This has been improved. 


-Search is persistent

When switching tabs, creating new tabs or filtering the grid. 

The search will re-apply/refresh itself. 


Advanced Search Screen

Can be opened by pressing is icon. 

Or by pressing enter, when no matching jobs are found.
 Main use of this screen is to find jobs which are not in your current view. e.g. closed contracts.