The Bookings screen can currently be accessed in 4 ways.

1. Right Click Menu / 'B' Schortcut

2. Job Edit above the Dates Section - Note: Any unsaved changes in Job Edit will be lost

3. From a Product Check validation Action

4. From the job row on the contract

The Bookings Screen

1. Sort the list of jobs by either Build Plan or Date Advised ascending.

2. Active Product Checks

    - With detail popup and ability to manually approve where necissary.

3. Refresh Button

    - This will refresh the Product Checks based on changesin this screen before saving. 

    - This will allow you to check the changes you have made have resolved the active product checks.

   - The button will go red if you change a date advised.

4. The Alert Icon Indicates that the job is part of a product check

5. GoTo Contract - Book Job

   - Takes you to the edit layout of the contract so you can book in a job.

6. Refresh the job row

   - Use this after you've gone to contract and booked the job to pull in the new job and dates.

   - You can also use this to revert date changes to their current values.

This new bookings screen is a work in progress and feedback is much appreciated :)