As profit share is an incentive scheme designed to make staff more inclined to request additional work and not take unnecessary time on site, a need had arisen for New Starters to be excluded from the calculations.
The purpose of this exclusion is to ensure that Installer and their crews are not "penalised" for taking a new (and likely much slower) starter in their crew.

As at the wrtiting of this article (08/12/2021), the requested time period for New starters to be excluded is 4 weeks (28 days) from the start date. 

When the new employee starts, this will be automatically set to Start date + 28 days and is displayed on the employee card >> Misc Tab >> "Last Day of New Starter Period"

Scheduling & Whiteboard


  • A New Starter will be scheduled on the whiteboard to the truck they are training with (in any position).
  • A New Starter should only be included in a crew of 3 or more (IE, Position 3, 4 ,5 or 6)
  • A New Starter should clock on as per the normal process to ensure accurate recording of their time logs and product hours. 
  • Hovering over the employee name on the whiteboard will show if they New Starter


  • The truck will be scheduled as though the training staff member is not there, so it the crew = 3, ( 2 existing + 1 New Starter ), then Run Manager should be set to a crew of 2
  • Scheduling in the fashion will ensure that the truck is not overscheduled to with more work than can be completed by the crew


  • Payroll should be completed as normal following the existing process documentation
    • See Operation Manual

Profit Share (formerly KPI)

Assuming that the correct procdures have been followed above, then during the "Import" process of Profit Share (Run by the relevant Construction Manager), the system will automatically exclude those staff members from Profit Share calculations and the crew (exl. New Starters) will be paid Profit Share as if the New Starter wasn't there. 

This can be seen in the "Day Summary" where the new employee will not be on the truck.

New Starter Period Ending Mid Payweek

Should the employees New Starter Period finish during the week (IE. Friday) then the employee will only be exluded on up until their last day.

If their last day is 10/12/2021, then they would become eligible for Proifit Share from the 11/12/2021 and would be included on any shirts worked from this date.