Customer Lead times are an essential part of the daily operation of Buildsafe.
Lead times form Part of our SLA (Service Level Agreements).

To Facilitate this, we have developed Customer and Product Lead Times.
Customer Lead times are the Default lead time for the Customer Overall.
Product Lead times are specific to the Product.

Lead Times
When Set, The Product Lead times will display on the Booking Pop UP, Booking Actions and Phone Calls Screen.

Lead times are set on the customer cards, under pricing. 

Default Lead time will always show, and the Product specific lead times will show when the product is selected from the list. 

If no lead times are set on a customer card, then they will fall back to the lead times set on the Ops Dashboard.

Lead Times Dashboard (Ops Dashboard)

A Recent update to the lead times Dashboard allows you to view Branch & Product Specific Lead times, visualised easily in graph.

The Graph shows the Percentage of Jobs booked on a date, based on The branch's set capacity.
In the Above example NB/NBS & HANG ON, We can see the Branch has a Capacity of 60 Hours and on the 21 Oct, they are booked to 111% of their capacity. 

This graph is accessed by clicking the Lead Time date in the Lead Time Dashboard.